Overview on the Photographer Certification Process:
The Photographer Credentialing program is a tool used by EyePACS to train and certify photographers to adequately perform Digital Retinal Imaging. Images captured by certified photographers will then be used by EyePACS certified consultants for detection of eye disease. The photographer certification process consists of two modules: Practice Cases and Test Questions.
Practice Case Module
In this module, the candidate uploads practice retinal images from the fundus camera. Candidates are asked to upload a recommended minimum of 8 images (4 images for each eye) on a case by case basis. Instructions regarding how to upload a case and details of how each of the 8 images should look can be found in the protocol document
General Guidelines:- Candidates may upload any number of practice cases.
- The site administrators will then review and grade the cases that the candidate uploaded. If a site does not have an administrator, the EyePACS team will review the cases.
- Candidate will be informed by email when their practice case has been reviewed by the administrator.
- Candidates must upload consistent, high quality images in order to pass the Practice Case Module.
- In some instances, although a candidate may pass the Practice Case Module, the reviewer may ask the candidate to upload more practice cases.
- Candidates may still upload images after completing the module if they need more practice.
- Candidates can access the Test Questions Module only after passing the Practice Case Module.
Test Questions Module
This module contains 10 multiple choice questions that cover the basics of effective Digital Retinal Imaging. To pass the test, candidates must correctly answer all questions. If a candidate fails the test, he or she is advised to review the 'Test Review' page that provides the correct answer and explanation for each question the candidate missed. The candidate will then be given the option of retaking the test.
After successful completion of the Test Questions Module, candidates will be considered Certified Photographers and will receive a certificate from the EyePACS team. Since the certificate will be sent by mail, candidates must make sure that their postal address is updated under 'My Profile' before logging out.
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advanced eye disease blindness..." > full story
Lyn Berry MD, Director of primary care
Alameda County Medical Center