Overview of the Consultant Credentialing Process
EyePACS' Consultant credentialing process enables clinicians to be credentialed to review retinal images of actual patient encounters. There are two modules in this credentialing application: Practice Cases Module and Test Cases Module. The Practice Cases Module allows consultant candidates to familiarize themselves with the lesion appearance in standard digital retinal images, as well as procedures, the rules, the applications, and the format of the test questions. After getting more acquainted with the process, the candidate can then proceed to the Test Cases Module for the actual assessment. The completion of this credentialing process will ensure that consultant candidates are 'calibrated' for consistent grading and are well prepared to catch the nuances of digital image interpretation in the different stages of retinal disease.
The test questions are presented in the form of a grading template. It is important to understand the grading procedures and rules. Candidates should review this document before proceeding to the Practice Cases Module. For the grading template procedures and rules, please click here
General Guidelines:
- The Practice Cases Module and Test Cases Module each have a set of 15 cases.
- There are seven questions for each case. These questions are presented in a grading template along with images, and with the capability to view the images in different sizes and red free.
- A candidate will not have access to the Test Cases Module without passing all the practice cases in the Practice Case Module.
- Passing score for each practice case is 100%.
- For practice cases, a review page is available for every answered question.
- The review page will provide the correct answers, the images displaying different lesions, and the answers the candidate has marked.
- The candidate can retake failed practice cases until he or she passes the Practice Case Module.
- While proceeding through the Test Case Module, the candidate can still access the review page of the practice cases.
- The candidate can take unlimited number of breaks in between test cases.
- After the candidate finishes the test, he or she will be informed of the score immediately and whether or not he or she has passed.
- If the candidate fails and wishes to retake the test, he or she can initiate this within the application.
Upon completion of this credentialing process, which usually takes about 2-3 hours, the candidate will be provided with the certificate from EyePACS. The certificate will be sent to the candidate via postal mailing. Please make sure that the postal address is updated in the 'My Profile' section before logging out.
Good Luck!
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advanced eye disease blindness..." > full story
Lyn Berry MD, Director of primary care
Alameda County Medical Center